FAQ about audience pixel

1. Why Eskimi’s code is unique than our current Google and Facebook Codes?
— Eskimi is a separate platform and we have our own user base and tracking system. Eskimi combines a larger reach of customers and needs to track them separately. The audience code allows you to create audiences from your current site users, analyse the browsing pages of your current users, then retarget them. Also when you put audience code in your site, our programmatic platform learns more about your users, conversions and then can direct better quality users from the programmatic campaigns that you run.

2. Can’t we use our existing Google Analytics to track these data?
— Google analytics is fine to track your current visits. The purpose of our audience and tracking codes is to track programmatic users and build audiences from them. Google analytics is just for statistics. Audience code is to learn about the audiences for better performance and build audiences for your retargeting.

3. How heavy is the code?
— 1,6Kb

4. Where should be put the code?
— The code should be places across all site, in all pages, especially in some conversion pages if there are any.

5. Can this be done via Tag manager?
— Yes, if you have implemented Tag manager in all pages.

6. Brand has lots of codes on their site, adding additional codes should have any significant implications?
— The code does not impact the load times or performance of the page, it is quite light.

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