Android application installs tracking

Currently, Eskimi DSP only support 3 ways to track Android application installs for CPA campaigns:

1. [Easy] Native Android framework library.

Description. This option is only for native Android framework applications and requires technical person to integrate it. More details

​2. ​[Medium] Already integrated analytics tracker’s web hook or post back configuration with Eskimi DSP ad network.
Description. Most analytics have the capability to a add web hook or post back to ad network or a custom URL after each install.
a) the client should setup an advertising URL with custom parameter click_id in it’s analytics tracker, e.g. https://your.tracker.generated/url?click_id={xxx}, where {xxx} value will be filled by Eskimi DSP and add it to Eskimi DSP campaign click URL.
b) the client should configure web hook or post back to{xxx} via HTTP GET method after every install, where {xxx} is click_id parameters value passed on install.
Note. Not all tracker have the ability to add Eskimi DSP as Ad Network (e.g. Firebase) and this integration also requires testing with partner.

​3. [Hard] Custom integration of Eskimi DSP tracking.

Description. Eskimi team generates advertisement URL for the android application and the client needs to create INSTALL_REFERRER intent’s broadcast listener which url decodes it and then checks if utm_source=eskimidsp”, if yes call{xxx}, where{xxx} is utm_content value.

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