Clickcode based conversion tracking. Advanced method

What is conversion tracking?

Conversion tracking is a tool that shows you what happens after a customer clicks on your advertisement – whether they purchased your product, signed up for your newsletter or filled out a form to receive more information. By tracking conversions, you will be able to know which campaigns, sites or apps bring you business. This helps you invest more wisely in the best ones and boost your return on investment (ROI).

Eskimi DSP can provide these enhanced metrics by implementing conversion tracking pixel on your side. The conversion pixel is a tiny (1×1 pixel) transparent image.

Clickcode is advanced tracking method. This is a server side tracking method which does not require any client cookie information.

It works by passing back an eucid (encrypted user cookie id) value which is added to your landing page URL whenever the user clicks on any of your ads served through Eskimi DSP.

When the user completes a successful conversion event, advertiser needs to transmit eucid value back to Eskimi DSP server by calling back DSP server’s conversion tracking pixel.

Once the eucid is validated on a server, a successful conversion event will be recorded and will appear on the campaign performance optimization tool.


To enable clickcode based conversion tracking, advertiser needs to pass back the eucid parameter value to Eskimi DSP conversion pixel by either requesting it by s2s (server to server) method or c2s (client to server) method.

Eucid pass to advertiser

When user clicks on one of your ads, Eskimi DSP adds an eucid (clickcode) parameter to landing page URL and redirects user to your landing page. By default eucid is added automatically by using a HTTP GET method parameter under name eucid.

The example below shows how the landing page URL looks before and after user is redirected with added eucid parameter:



Advertiser is allowed to use custom parameter name instead of eucid by adding {eucid} macro to landing page URL while setting up the new campaign. This will be replaced with unique eucid value automatically.

The example below shows how the landing page URL looks before and after user is redirected with added custom_name parameter:



Importance of eucid transportation

Advertiser is required to store the passed eucid until successful conversion or end of session occurs.

To perform a one time conversion notification, advertiser needs to issue the eucid by HTTP request either from server side (s2s) or an invisible pixel on client’s side (c2s).

From examples above we already know that eucid value is MTAwMjZfNjU4NTg4NDFfbmdf. Advertiser is required to keep this value until successful conversion occurs.

Conversion tracking

After a successful conversion event, advertiser will need to pass the eucid value by making a server side HTTP request (s2s) to the URL

or by placing a client side invisible pixel (c2s) on conversion page
<img src=”//” style=”display:none” />.

Conversion tracking flow example



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